Set the Scene for an Eerisistible Halloween

Set the Scene for an Eerisistible Halloween

Prepare for an eerisitable Halloween with our new Halloween Collection.

Let The Rumpus Begin

Chaos and mischief reign supreme on Halloween, as trainee witches ride home from school on their broom sticks to prepare their potions. Is that a spider in my cupcake? Are there worms in my tea? Brace yourself for tricks, treats and lots of good magic...

Mugs for Magic Potions

Find the plumpest pumpkin possible and settle down to a happy hour of carving with tea - or even something boo-zy - in your very own mug.

Shop All Halloween Mugs >

Kinda Spooky

We dare you to jump into the magic and mayhem of Halloween. You might meet a friendly ghost, eating buttered toast, who invites you round for tea. He might  give you jellied snakes and squashed fly cakes, chocolate bats and witches hats, and you will never wanted to leave….

Plates for Beastly Baking

Serve up biscuits iced with spooky faces on a Halloween Biscuits Tea Plate and get ready for friendly ghosts and scaredy cats by popping by. 

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Nasty Napkins & Table Runner

Our new Midnight Pumpkin Napkins and Table Runner are rather bewitching additions for your Halloween table. Why not place a line of lit pumpkins along the length of your table runner for a spooky spread?

Shop All Halloween Napkins & Table Runners >

Bowls of Magic

Wave your magic wand and let bowls replenish themselves with never-ending treats!

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